06 Jun

Singapore is a tropical country. This is why we experience having a warm, and humid climate. There are also seasons where it rains hard. To protect us from the scorching heat brought by the summers, and the unforgiving rains brought by typhoons that pass the country, we always have to stay protected inside our humble abodes, sheltered by our reliable roof. But given how fickle the weather is today, you may experience a few roof leakages as your roof deteriorates over time. To solve this, reliable waterproofing contractors in Singapore provide different services catering to our waterproofing needs, like General Waterproofing & Service.

General Waterproofing & Service provides waterproofing services for buildings, homes, and other services. Providing waterproofing like roof waterproofing, and other services protects the buildings, establishments, and other spaces from environmental effects. Waterproofing may just be a minor factor in a building or an establishment, but it is an important element that would complete the construction project of your building. General Waterproofing & Service provides its waterproofing services to a wide range of options. Here are some of them:

Roof waterproofing liquid applied membrane

As what has been said, Singapore’s climate increases the chances of roof leakage which in turn results to damage with the entire property. This is why establishments, and other properties need to have a high-quality waterproofing system. General Waterproofing & Services provides you with liquid applied membrane that would protect your roof from environmental factors.

Roof leakage repair

General Waterproofing & Service has different services that aims to provide you with roof leakage repair. They have different waterproofing solutions based on the material of your roof. One example is metal roof waterproofing. Metal roof waterproofing services by General Waterproofing & Services ensures that your metal roof stays protected from the effects of the environment. Metal roofs, which are prevalent in industrial buildings, need to stay protected, so the production would continue.

Pitch roof waterproofing

For pitch roofs, there are also right waterproofing solutions. Waterproofing will protect our pitch roofs from deterioration caused by carbonation, acid, or chemical attack, and other environmental factors.

Water leak in wall repair

Our walls are not spared from the environmental effects of leakage like roofs. There are also instances where our walls get leakages due to damage. Good thing, a waterproofing service provider like General Waterproofing & Services also provides water leak in wall repairs as a waterproofing contractor.

Façade cleaning

General Waterproofing & Services also provides façade cleaning to establishments who need to have their exterior cleaned. Façade cleaning is necessary in maintaining the quality of the establishment, not only for the how it would look.

 Here are just a few of what this waterproofing contractor in Singapore could offer. Surely, there are more waterproofing services that this contractor could offer. If you are in need of the same services they offer, their lines are always open for your inquiry.

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