06 Apr

Your phone is a major investment for anyone. iPhones, costing from 700 to almost 1000 USD, are an even bigger investment. Phone care is of utmost priority when it comes to high-end smartphones such as these where phone repair costs would almost reach as high as the phone itself!

To avoid such financial dilemmas, here are three key tips when using your iPhone

1. Battery usage. It is a common misconception that you should fully discharge your battery before charging it. However, according to Shane Broesky, founder of Farbe Technik, warns IPhone users who fully discharge their batteries before charging. He says that doing so may cause these batteries to fall into a “deep discharge state,” which basically means the battery won’t hold charge as well as it should. The key is to think about charging your battery as you would feeding it, i.e., you neither want to starve it nor to overfeed it.


2. Leaving things. Leaving things generally is not good. For iPhone users, leaving your phone plugged and charging overnight, doesn’t bode well for your battery especially if it is already fully charged. It may cause the battery to not hold the charge for long.


Also, leaving the WiFi and Blueetooth on the whole time, although may not be damaging to your phone, is just plain waste of power. Turn it on only when you need it, otherwise, turn them off.


One last thing, although this should have been common sense, leaving your phone not cleaned is a sure way to a phone repair. In Singapore, there are products that claim to use UV light to clean your phones. You can use those, if you want to, but simply using a soft cloth to clean your device is quite enough. A major part to clean is your phone’s charging port as dirt from your pocket and your bag can get stuck and cause connection problems.


3. Extreme weather. Another obvious point: don’t use your iPhone when the weather is bad. Using your phone when it’s extremely cold (below 32 degrees Fahrenheit) or when it’s extremely hot (above 95 degrees Fahrenheit) may cause your phone to drain quickly or outright shut down. Keep it away from the elements and your phone will likely see an extended lifespan.


These are three simple ways to avoid damaging your phones. If however, after following all three, you still find yourself in a repair shop, here are a few tips to look for a trustworthy shop that can provide iPhone repair in Singapore:

  • Do your research. If you’re going for a third-party repair shop, you should look for information regarding the shop—the services they offer and their guarantees. You don’t want to jump out of the frying pan into the fire when it comes to your phone.
  • See what people are saying. Although trolls and paid commenters abound, it wouldn’t hurt to see what customers are saying about the shop. Be meticulous in choosing which ones to believe.
  • Talk to them. Finally, contact them. Proceed personally to their store or call them. Explain the situation and figure out whether or not they can help.

What’s more important is to use your phone properly to avoid needing to contact a repair shop. However, if what can happen does happen, you have these tips to guide you. You’re welcome!

Source: techhoarder.weebly.com/blog/dont-jump-from-the-pan-to-the-fire-tips-to-take-care-of-your-iphone

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