09 Nov

Whether your house is new or old, it’s still vulnerable to plumbing problems. Leaks, burst pipes, and clogged drains can be a nightmare you don’t want to live with. Here, we will discuss what are the five ways to avoid them.

  1. Don’t pour grease or hair into your sink

Kitchen sinks are typically prone to clogs because it is where people cook and wash their dishes. They tend to pour the fat from cooking into the drain without knowing that it will harden inside the pipes. 

  1. Be cautious of “flushable” wipes

Make sure to research the brands who claim that their wipes are safe to flush because some don’t break down in the septic system which would cause a blockage.

  1. Replace your hoses every ten years

Monitor your washing machine supply hoses for bulges regularly. Corrosion could also be a problem in their connectors. It is recommended to replace these with stainless steel braided hoses.

  1. Check the shut-off valves regularly

Sinks and toilets could be a source of leaks that can waste many liters of your water a day. Along with leaking drain lines, these should be repaired immediately.

  1. Never hang things from exposed pipes.

A common problem that doesn't surprise plumbing contractors in Singapore are wet towels or pressed clothes hung over exposed pipes. These pipes are not made to support the weight of these wet garments. The strain can cause the pipes to burst.

If all else fails, even after you have tried fixing drains with a manual plunger, it is time to search for a reliable plumbing company in Singapore to help you with your plumbing problems. 

There is one trusted commercial plumber in Singapore and they are called KC Plumbing. They will help you fix and maintain a smooth plumbing system in your home. Learn more about them at https://kcplumbing.com.sg/.

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